Repel and Grow by Green Eagle Technologies

Repel and Grow

  • Category: Pest Control
  • Benefits: Kills Fungus, Pests and provides Beneficial nutrient supplementation
  • Usage: Use Repel and Grow for major pest and mold outbreaks

Revitalize your plant vitamin-C and citric acid compounds

Repel and Grow increases your plant’s ability to withstand stress and disrupts pest’s feeding and reproductive cycles. Contains patent pending formula of Silica Hydrate, hydrated silica provides the fastest uptake of plant available silica possible and is more absorbable than otho-silicic acid or potassium silicate. It also strengthen cells walls and increases internal cell pressure. Grow a stronger plant that holds more weight, Repel and Grow uses natural ingredients that work synergistically to kill all cannabis related pests and fungus.